Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thanksgiving in the Valley

I am still quite behind on updating this blog!  The holidays kept me super busy and I am still trying to catch up on LOTS of things!  This year, we spent Thanksgiving at Grandma and Grandpa's house in Sebastian.  The kids really enjoyed playing outside, riding Sally the horse, and eating all of Grandma's cooking.  The weather was great and it was such a treat to spend Thanksgiving with la familia!

Sienna and Emma sittin on the porch.
Kind of looks like they were doing the bunny hop.
But, then they all fell down like ring around the rosie!
Dog pile!
Sienna loves to ride Sally.  Colton wasn't quite ready!
Family picture.
Sweet girls!
The girls are chasing the boys on their bikes!
Now the boys are racing!

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