Friday, November 11, 2011

MOPS Playdate

A good friend of mine introduced me to a wonderful group of women who make up MOPS - Mothers of Preschoolers.  I joined this group in September and it has been such an amazing experience.  I can't believe I didn't join sooner!  It would have been so beneficial for me after having Sienna to have had the advice, friendship, support, etc., that is offered at these meetings.  But, better late than never, as I always say!  The brunches are out of this world and we get to share our experiences with other moms who are sometimes going through the same ups and downs of parenthood.  It has been such a blessing!  Our kids get to take part in Moppets while we attend our meetings and they also have a great time.  Recently, we planned a playdate so that we could bring our kids with us.  Sienna and Colton had a great time, as you can see...

Proud of her turkey!
Mine looks better than yours!
Thankful Tree.
Making a friend at the petting zoo.
Let me look at those horns with my magnifying glass.
Yey, a picture with Mommy!
Sienna loved feeding the goats.
Time to play in the sand.  It was a beautiful day!
Bean Bag Toss
I like this game!

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