Sunday, November 13, 2011

Petting Zoo Birthday Party

It looks like petting zoo's are all the rage these days!  There is just something about putting a bunch of kids in an enclosed pen with farm animals that really seems to bring on good times!  Sienna and Colton were so happy to be able to make it to Connor and Josie's birthday party this year!  They had an absolute blast! 

Sienna immediately grabbed this cute bunny!
Maybe they won't notice if I sneak off with it!
This is so much fun!

What do we do next?
Connor, the birthday boy!
Sienna did not want to let go of this bunny!
But, she does look pretty cute with it!
Colton decides to give it a try.
So cute!
Yey, I did it!
Petting a small pony and donkey.
Colton and the goose bonding over the water bowl.
Getting a little carried away with the food bucket.
Hey, where are you going?
The birthday girl, Josie, with her daddy, Marco.
Pony ride for Sienna.
Time to sing to the birthday boy and girl!
Cupcake time!
Sienna is so careful with her cupcake!

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