Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Thanksgiving Performance

The moment we had all been waiting for.......Sienna and Colton's first preschool performance!  Of course, there was a bunch of ooohhhing and ahhhinng as parents and grandparents looked on through their digital cameras, video cameras, and I-phones.  Don't you just love technology!  Anyway, all of the children did an amazing job.  Sienna sang her little heart out, while Colton stood there with his hands in his pockets!  So cute!  After the performance, we headed inside for a wonderful Thanksgiving Feast!  What an amazing treat!
What a good looking group of kids!
Sienna sings along while Colton stands with his hands in his pockets. 
Colton spots Mommy and Daddy!
So proud of my little performers!
Now it is time to Feast!  Yummy!
 After lunch and dessert, Colton and Sienna get silly!
Silly pose.
Monkey See, Monkey Do!
Hugging a great friend, Isabella.

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