Saturday, December 10, 2011

Sienna's First Ballet Performance

Sienna has been taking ballet class at Lifetime for quite awhile now.  She loves to dance and loves to perform - not sure where she got that from since both Bart and I were pretty shy kids.  But we are so proud of her for being such a confident and outgoing little dancer!  Sienna's ballet teacher decided that it would be cute for the little ones to perform a nutcracker routine with the older girls.  They put on a great show during Breakfast with Santa at the gym.  It was Sienna's first performance in front of an audience and she did really well!  She only twirled the wrong way once!  Hah!  But, she was so cute up there along with all of the other girls and we can't wait to see her perform again!
Maybe feeling just a little nervous before the performance!
About to begin!
I think I put down the camera and got out the flip camera at this point.
Sienna got to sit on Santa's lap after ward!
Colton didn't want to sit on Santa's lap, but he did give him a high five!
Posing with her candy cane.
Little bro does the same.
Is that a gingerbread house?
Taking a picture with her ballet teacher, Ms. Carly.

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