Monday, December 19, 2011

Teacher Christmas Craft Gifts

Since I have become a stay at home mom, I have really gotten into crafting on a budget!  So for Christmas this year, I sort of put a lot of different ideas together to come up with these cute little gifts for Sienna and Colton's amazing teachers!  I made the bookmarks by simply using some ribbon and flower embellishments - both bought at Hobby Lobby.  I then found some really cute journals at Michael's and just added the teacher's initial to the front cover.  The little buckets came from Target and then I just added a pen and some candy and the gifts were ready to go.  Actually, I added the candy in after I took the photos.  I think they came out really cute and it was just a small token of gratitude for all of the work these teachers do for my little ones!

Sienna insisted on posing with one of the gifts!

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