Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas 2011

We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas with our family this year!  Those who were able to, came together to make this Christmas a truly memorable one!  We couldn't have done it without MaMo, PawPaw, Becky, Grandma, and Grandpa.  We feel so blessed to have such special people in our lives!  I am going to let the pictures tell the rest of the story!
Colton went straight to the train table and played for about an hour before even attempting to open more presents!
Sienna with one of her many barbie toys she got from Santa!
Finally, Colton realizes there is more stuff under the tree!
Presents from Daddy!  Can't go wrong with Star Wars!
Sharing a sweet hug with PawPaw!
Showing MaMo his new train!
Aunt Becky helps with the always challenging task of taking toys out of the box while Sienna supervises.
Cool puppy guitar.
The face of an angel!
All dressed up for Christmas Day!
You want me to what?
Trying to take a family picture.
But Sienna kept wanting to make funny faces.
Ok, this one is not so bad.
Now let's all be silly.
Sienna with her barbie a perfect christmas set.  It was the first toy on her wish list.
A sweet hug with Grandma.
Grandma and Grandpa got to bring Cohen with them to visit!
Two cute cousins.
Oh-oh, looks like trouble!

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