Sunday, October 9, 2011

State Fair of Texas

 We had so much fun going to see MaMo and PawPaw this past weekend in Duncanville!  We spent some quality family time together and got to get out and see some really cool stuff!  On Friday, we went to Legoland so that we could have some fun building things!  Sienna really enjoyed the indoor rides and playscape, while Colton really seemed to enjoy playing with all of the different Lego's they had.  Before we left, we got to see 3 short 4-D movies in their little theatre and everyone really liked those (especially us grown ups b/c we finally got to sit down)!  Then on Sunday, we went to the State Fair of Texas.  It was cloudy and drizzly for most of the day, but that did not stop us from having a great time.  The kids had never been to the fair and I had only been once myself.  I feel like I must mention all of the crazy fried foods that were available for eatin'!  Fried twinkies, fried lemonade, fried beer, fried pie, fried buffalo chicken in a flapjack, fried bubble gum (most creative winner this year), fried butter, fried coke, fried nutter butter, etc.... I could go on but I won't!  We ended up mostly enjoying fletcher's corn dogs, jack's fries, pizza, and cinnamon rolls.  Sienna and Colton really enjoyed all of the fun carnival rides!  We are so glad we were able to make this trip and I'm sure it won't be the last time we go to the State Fair of Texas!
Colton loved all of the legos and Legoland.
Sienna posing with a lego Dirk Nowitzki.
Daddy had to take a picture with him too!
Sienna loves her little brother!
Colton is getting so big!
Enjoying Mamo and PawPaw's flowers.
At a park called Kidsville in Duncanville!
So cute, even when he has his serious face on!
Finally made it the the State Fair!
Mamo joins Sienna on her first ride!
Who doesn't want to ride in a huge teddy bear?
Train ride with Mommy!
Checking to see if they are tall enough for a ride.
Sienna goes on a ride by herself!
We had lots of fun on this ride!  It was like a miniature splash mountain!
Gotta eat a Fletcher's Corn Dog at the State Fair!
Colton enjoyed his too!
Don't they look alike?
Oh no, the lion got Sienna!
Sienna obviously loves posing with these cut outs.
Great picture with Mamo and PawPaw.
Tried to get Sienna in picture too but that one didn't work out so well!
This was taken in the Butterfly Garden.
PawPaw and Colton have the same look on their face!!  The end to a wonderful day!

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