Saturday, October 22, 2011

Neighborhood Wide Garage Sale

Twice a year, our neighborhood has a community wide garage sale.  In order to make a little money and avoid too much clutter, we decided to join in!  The day before the sale, I asked Sienna if she would like to sell muffins and water (she loves to play store at home so I thought this would be a great learning experience).  To which she replied, "That's a great idea, Mommy.  I will be the Muffin Girl!"  Let's just say that the night before the garage sale was a little bit like the night before Christmas.  Sienna was sooo excited about her muffin sale that she had a very difficult time falling asleep.  I thought it would be hard to get her up in the morning, but she was ready to go!  She helped set up her table and even got a little help from Colton.  I was their first customer and handed Sienna .50 to which she gave me $2 in change back!  Needless to say, we helped out a little with the money situation!  It was a lot of fun and they did sell a good number of muffins and also ate a good number of muffins themselves!  Maybe next year we will sell donuts!

Ready for some customers!
It got a little bright outside so Sienna had to get her sunglasses on!
Oh-oh, Colton is trying to walk away with the balloon centerpiece!
Our future entrepreneur.

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