Monday, October 31, 2011

Trick or Treat

Sienna and Colton have been so excited for Halloween this year!  Sienna decided about a year ago that she was going to be Rapunzel!  She was also Rapunzel for her birthday party, so we are probably going to get our money's worth out of that costume!  And our little Colton got a Spider Man costume for his birthday from MaMo and PawPaw so he has been excited about wearing it on Halloween too!  We have such an amazing neighborhood with lots of families and kids so trick or treating is a huge event every year.  And every year, it seems like we get a little further down the street.  Actually, this year, we made it all the way down our street and around the block!  Colton was a little hesitant at first, but once he realized that he got candy at every door, he quickly became a trick or treatin' pro!  And Sienna had no problems taking candy, even from werewolves!
Rapunzel and Spider Man are ready to get their trick or treating on!
Sienna can no longer contain her excitement.  I think she even startled Mr. Pirate Pumpkin Head!
Colton looking a little serious at the moment!
Checking out our candy bowl and sign to make sure it is ready to go!
What cute kids!
Colton trying to shoot out a spider web while Sienna looks like she is calling out for Flynn Ryder.
They are getting so big!
I love how serious Colton is while Sienna can't seem to stop grinning!

Colton is admiring Sienna's beautiful hair!
We actually got a decent family picture!
"When can we go?"
Close up of hair.  I had to convince Sienna that I could make her own hair as beautiful as Rapunzel's b/c she wanted to get a big long blonde wig at first!
Our princess.
Colton's Spidey sense is kicking in.
Not sure why Sienna is yelling?
And now Colton is yelling?

Sienna tentatively takes candy from a werewolf.  Colton wanted no part of this at first.
But, Sienna showed him how much fun it can be.
He loved it when he got to reach in the candy bowl and take a handful.
"Where to next?"
"How long do we give them to answer the door?"
Sienna leads the way.
Sienna had to hold her dress up b/c it was a wee bit on the long side.
"Is that Brett Michaels?"
Nice set up.
One house always puts on a little show.  This one was entitled "Occupy Halloween!"

Mad Hatter posing with kiddos.
"This bag is getting kind of heavy."  Although, he refused to let us help him carry it.

Finally enjoying the fruits of his labor!
Sienna pretending to be Sleeping Beauty all of a sudden!

The next day Sienna and Colton get to dress up to go to school. 
Running up to the door!  So excited for their halloween party at school.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Tower of Terror Party

If I remember correctly, it has probably been about 5 years since Bart and I have been to a grown-up Halloween party.  Way too long, if you ask me!  But, we had a wonderful opportunity to go to TOWER OF TERROR - a costume party and benefit supporting the East Side Community Project.  Thankfully, MaMo and PawPaw came into town to babysit so that we could have a night out worry-free!  Our friends Brandi and Dustin came along with us and we definitely had a great time.  It is always fun to see everyone dressed up for Halloween!  Hopefully, we can do it again next year!

Bart is really embracing his inner Mad Hatter!
Colton isn't sure what to think!
I wanted to be the Queen so I could have free rein to boss Mad Hatter around!
Sienna loved seeing us all dressed up.  She is a big fan of playing dress up herself!
Sienna looks like she is going to punch me in this picture!
Saying good-bye to Colton!
Us with Brandi and Dustin on the balcony of the Austonian.  It was a great view.  And for whatever reason, Bart and I have glowing eyes!
Yey, we found Alice at the party!
Another bigger group picture!
This one taken at the party's photo booth. 
Yes, I am choking the Mad Hatter!
You will do as I say!