Sunday, March 4, 2012

Zilker Kite Festival

March 4, 2012 turned out to be the perfect day for a kite festival.  It was a gorgeous day and the weather was absolutely perfect.  Plus, as an added bonus, we decided to ride the good old shuttle school bus to Zilker to avoid the hassle of trying to find parking.  I think Colton and Sienna were just as excited about riding the bus as they were about going to the kite festival itself!  We had lots of fun, despite our lack of expertise at flying kites!  It is harder than it looks! 

Riding a school bus to the kite festival.
Sienna and Colton's reaction to seeing all of the kites in the sky!
Still screaming...
Very cool.
Our little Spider Man taking it all in.
And Sienna acting like a movie star.
Dad trying to get our Elmo kite in the air.
Kind of hard to get the kite up when a certain someone kept pulling on the tails!

A little (or a lot) of kettle corn to top off our fun day! 

Mommy taking with Sienna and Colton at home later that day!

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