Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Blue Bonnets are blooming!

This spring, the wildflowers seemed extra abundant!  So, of course, I had to drag the kiddos out to take some pictures!  On our first outing, Sienna and Colton did a really good job of humoring their Mommy and posing for pictures.  However, they preferred walking around and exploring, so I took lots of pictures of that too!  Then I realized, "Hey, it would be nice if Bart and I were in some of these pictures!"  It is so hard to get family pictures especially since I am usually the one behind the camera.  So, a few days later, I dragged the entire family, along with my tripod, out to the same spots.  Taking pictures with the tripod was pretty tiring and difficult b/c I don't have a remote and Bart and I kept taking turns to run in and out so we could press the timer button.  So, if we look flushed in the pictures, that is why!  But, all in all, we got some decent photos and were able to catch the blue bonnets before they faded away.  Gotta love the spring time! 



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