Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Community Helpers Visit OHUMC Preschool!

Throughout the month of February, OHUMC has been talking about community helpers.  They have really gone above and beyond to make this a special month for our kiddos.  The best part was having some of the amazing and wonderful community helpers come to the school to talk to the children.  These have included a dental hygienist, a pediatrician, an interpreter for the deaf, the church facilities manager (he brought a bunch of neat tools), a Lieutenant in the armed forces, and last, but not least, the Austin Fire Department!  I know each one of these community helpers had a huge impact on all of our children.  I loved hearing from mostly Sienna (and a little from Colton) about all of the neat things they showed them!  I also had the opportunity to substitute for Ms. Jennifer the day that the fire dept. came to visit.  So, of course, I took my camera!

Colton's class is ready for the fire department!
They had made paper fire hats that were really cute, but a little big!
Sienna's class anxiously waits as well...
And here they are!  They began by talking about what firefighters do.  Then, one of the firemen demonstrated how they put on their fire suit!   

They emphasized that the children should not be afraid of firefighters.  They are there to help!

He even showed them how they crawl around to avoid all of the smoke that rises.
Hi-five anyone?
Colton's eyes were glued to the fireman.

Sienna's class picture.  I don't have one yet of Colton's class, b/c they asked me to be in it!
Time to take a tour of the fire truck!
Colton loved the inside of the fire truck!

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