Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Back to school!

While the holidays were full of family fun, I think all of us were ready for Sienna and Colton to go back to school!  We have been counting down the days because the children are getting to move into the new school building today!  Sienna is the most excited about the new playground and the fact that they have a bathroom in their classroom (in the old building, they shared a bathroom with the other two classes and it was in the hallway)!  Colton is the most excited about the playground too because he loves to play, run, and climb!  I just love the spacious classrooms and the set up of all the rooms.  The teachers really did an amazing job!  When I picked Sienna and Colton up, they both couldn't wait to give me the grand tour of their brand new classrooms.  Although, Sienna was a little more detailed in her tour than her little brother!  
Here is Colton's classroom.
Colton is pointing outside to the playground.  I should have taken a picture of it!
Sienna showing me her classroom.
She wanted to show me all of the centers.  This was the library center.
And here is the home center.
Shelves full of games, blocks, etc.
Showing me how they rotate to different centers.
The writing center.
And here we have the class bathroom!
What a fun looking classroom!
Do I have time to read a book?
Yes, Daddy, we are almost on our way home!

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